The simplest way to attain the beauty benefits of cornmeal is making a
mixture of cornmeal and water and then applying it directly on the
skin. This recipe is equally advantageous for face as well as body. Some
other recipes of cornmeal beauty masks are given below.
Beauty Recipes with Cornmeal
- Take about half cup of finely smashed cornmeal in a small bowl. Now add 2 tbsp. of aloe Vera gel and 2-3 drops of orange essential oil in the cornmeal. Mix all constituents thoroughly to get a fine paste. Rub it on your skin for just two minutes and then rinse off using warm water. After that, apply a moisturizer.
- Another effective and inexpensive homemade facial scrub can be prepared by combining apple cider vinegar and cornmeal. Firstly, dilute apple cider vinegar in water and then mix 2-3 tbsp. of cornmeal in it. Combine all ingredients very well to form a paste. Use this natural scrub to exfoliate your skin. This recipe is ideal for oily skin.
- If you have dry skin, make a homemade moisturizing scrub using cornmeal, organic honey and lemon juice. Combine one tablespoon cornmeal and the same quantity of honey in a bowl. Then add few drops of lemon juice in the mixture. Use this wonderful scrub whenever you want to exfoliate and moisturize your skin.
- Mix half tablespoon cornmeal with one tablespoon of water. Now add one tablespoon of honey in the cornmeal paste and mix again. Gently massage this mixture on your face to cleanse your skin. Finally, rose off using lukewarm water. This is great recipe to get smooth skin.
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