On Fashion: How to Avoid Apparel Mishaps
Finding the right apparel that fits you
perfectly is no easy task nevertheless it is important not to lose hope
because you can train your eye to pick out the imperfections to be
• Know, Accept, and Love Your Body
Not knowing your body type and the
strengths and weaknesses that come with it is probably the worst torture
anyone can put themselves through. When a person is not fully aware of
their body type (or simply chooses to avoid this awareness), the risk of
wearing inappropriate garments is high. This is why we see rolls of fat
that should not be there, the uni-breast, the back fat, and those
visible stress marks on clothes. The first thing to obtain a good fit
then is to know your body well, your body shape and size, and the
fluctuations that you have, along with your strengths and even your
flaws. Learn to love your body by learning how to dress in harmony with
your body shape.
• Understand the Flaws
Our body is not perfectly symmetrical,
one shoulder can be higher, one leg may be longer than the other, and
one breast may also be larger than the other. These are natural
asymmetries and when you choose clothes that are ill-fitting, people may
see these natural asymmetries as unnatural and might even recognise
them more when ill-fitting clothes make them seem obvious. This is why
it is so important to know your own body.
• Don’t Focus on Diet too Much
People who experience weight
fluctuations often buy clothes that they think will motivate them to
diet, but although this might help you should be looking for apparel
that allows you to move freely with your natural body shape. Avoid the
scenario where you need to adjust your clothing week in week out every
time your weight fluctuates.
• Know the Difference Between a Good fit and a Bad Fit
• Side Spills
Clothes that cut your circulation, and cause extra ripples or those pieces of clothing that simply pinch you in the middle.
• The Over tight or Saggy Crotch
The sight of extra material hanging
around the crotch is not a feminine sight, on the other hand clothes
that appear hug your crotch are far too revealing.
• Clothes that Grip the Armpit
Clothes that are tight around the armpit are an poor fit which means that your shoulders are too broad for the clothing.
• Looking Top-Heavy
A short-waist or boxy jacket that creates the illusion that your shoulders are twice as wide is also a poor fit.
• Bra Spillage
If the back of your cleavage is bursting
out with the breasts apparently pouring over the sides, look for a good
lingerie shop and ask a saleswoman to help you find the correct size.
This article has been contributed by
Mary Jacks, an author of numerous articles on fashion and beauty. Mary
also writes articles on cp shades clothing and ag clothing.
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